Changes, chaos..equilibrium?

Equilibrium..that is what I am hoping for, sooner or later.

But I’m not there yet. I started my new position a week ago. And with it came changes in job functions, routine, processes, work spaces. Many of these changes are good and indeed welcome. Nonetheless, changes can create chaos and this is where I am right now.

Last week was training as will the next few weeks be.  Training can be rough, is rough especially in a fast-paced work environment. Not enough attention is paid to training which is ironic. Coming from being an expert to a novice is stressful. So everything feels quite chaotic.

I think I’m handling it well. I have made good progress in learning some major functions of my new position and I am proud of myself. 

This week, I’m training in a new area and started there today. So all in all a lot of changes! Training will last probably one more month and hopefully as I learn more about the work, I will move towards a new equilibrium. 

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Jael Sook says:

    I can appreciate the challenge of training for a new position/career–it does feel like chaos, but take courage, the equilibrium is just ahead 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. authensible1357 says:



      1. Jael Sook says:



  2.’s nature; imbalance, chaos. A bit sensitive about Equilibrium that is a temporary status.


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